Who asked for another good thriller from Hong Kong? Well, they've delivered - with star power to boot. And a parrot. While A Witness Out Of The Blue might not have the best title, it certain does have a great story to keep you hooked and on the edge.
Another contender for top Korean movie of 2019? Well, pretty close! This exciting action comedy about a dead gas creeping through the streets of Seoul and the two characters who must out climb it is well worth your time.
Director: Sang Geun Lee
Writer: Sang Geun Lee
Stars: Jung-suk Jo, Yoona, Du-shim Ko
Production Co: Filmmaker R&K
Another Binge Review!
These are short (less than 90 seconds) reviews on smaller, older,
weirder or mainstream titles that don't warrant a long review video.
Designed to watch one after another - that's why I call them Binge
Reviews! Enjoy
What would you do if your neighbour decided to stick a huge billboard on his roof that blocked your small view of the ocean! Hopefully you'll do what Lu and his family does in this very funny Hong Kong comedy film! Watch it today, or tomorrow...
An action thriller from Korea? Oh yes please would be the usual answer. This movie feels like a military shooting games - all style, all glitz, but is there any substance? Watch my review to find out more.
Director: Byung-woo Kim
Writers: Byung-woo Kim, Sang-yeon Park (novel)
Stars: Jung-woo Ha, Sun-kyun Lee, Jennifer Ehle
Production Co: CJ Entertainment, Frontier Works Comic, Perfect Storm Film
(From IMDB): On the day of the U.S. presidential election in 2024, Ahab (HA) and his team of elite mercenaries embark on a secret CIA mission to abduct North Korea's Armed Forces Minister in an underground bunker below the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). However, they get caught in the crossfire which causes tensions to escalate to the brink of World War III.
A creative Taiwanese French co-production that follows a man through three different phases of his life - the people he meets and the situations that shape his life. This is a must watch. Enjoy
Director: Wi Ding Ho
Writer: Wi Ding Ho
Stars: Lu Huang, Louise Grinberg, Hong-Chi Lee
Production Co: Changhe Films, Ivanhoe Pictures, Rumble Fish Productions
No sir, they don't die in this quirky Jim Jarmusch zombie apocalypse film. A breath of fresh air from the indie film-making scene, Jim's take on zombies boasts an impressive cast including Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Chloe Sevigny, Danny Glover and more! Find out why this movie is worth your time.
Director: Jim Jarmusch
Writer: Jim Jarmusch
Stars: Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tom Waits
Production Co: Animal Kingdom, Film i Väst
Here is something awesome and unexpected - a thriller from China that's well written, well acted and well paced. It could be the best movie to come from China for a long time - and that's saying something. A courtroom thriller with more than meets the eye. A must watch!
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A buddy cop film set in the wonderful world of Uber driving! I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Watch my review on what I think about when cop Dave meets uber driver Stu:
AKA Hai Phuong, this awesome Vietnamese version of Taken tells the action packed tale of a mother who fights a vicious gang to get her daughter back from being sold into the human organ black market.
Something new to The Arty Dans video review library - Binge Reviews.
These are short (less than 90 seconds) reviews on smaller, older,
weirder or mainstream titles that don't warrant a long review video.
Designed to watch one after another - that's why I call them Binge
Reviews! Enjoy
Dude Bro Party Massacre III - USA | 2015 | D: Tomm Jacobsen, Michael Rousselet