Thursday, 6 February 2025

Full List of Chinese Horror Movies (Mainland)

This list includes links to: 

  • Douban Movie listing (all movies)
  • English Subtitled Trailer (where available) 
  • My review of the movie (where available). 
  • Links to Full Movies have English Subtitles (where available).
  • Kill Count videos (where available) 
  • Recommended titles have a red tag next to them (perfect for people wanting to explore Chinese horror and don't know what titles to start with)
TIP: Does the page look strange? Don't allow your browser to automatically translate this page. Revert it back to the original language



京城81号3 The House That Never Dies 3
碟仙:破茧 Mortal Ouija 2


星际变种 Variant - TRAILER


梦想之地 "The Land of Dreams"


红嫁衣 Red Wedding Dress - TRAILER
深空移魂 Soul Voyager (sci-fi?) - TRAILER
碟仙玩偶 Tracking In Blood - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2 - TRAILER 3 - TRAILER 4
木偶惊魂 Puppet Horror
午夜怨灵 Midnight Ghost - TRAILER
NEW 午夜游戏 Midnight Game - TRAILER
祭屋 Matsuri House
夜半凶宅 Nightmare (Nighttime) Haunted House - TRAILER


午夜6号房 Room 6 At Midnight - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2 SEEN
午夜怪谈 Midnight Radio - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
古堡守灵人 Search for Vengeance / The Vengeance Story - TRAILER
密室逃脱 Let Me Out  - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2 - TRAILER 3
消失的木偶 A Vanished Puppet - TRAILER
加班惊魂 Overtime Scare - TRAILER
出不去的房间 Two Girls - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
替身纸人2 Paper Man 2 - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
惊心妒怨 Jealousy
陌路惊魂 Dangerous Road / Thrilling Ride
鸳鸯楼·夺舍 Mandarin Duck House / Yin Yang Mansion - SEEN TRAILER 1
人偶新娘 Doll Bride - SEEN
午夜场 Midnight
夜雨秋灯闻诡事 Night Rain and Autumn Light
古宅谜案 The Quadrangle Enigma - TRAILER
噬魂岛 Dawn Break - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
车库 Garage
落花洞新娘 Bride and the Beast
双面新娘 Bride With A Double Face
直播惊魂夜 Live Streaming Nightmare - TRAILER


午夜迷途 Lost In Midnight (2017)
怨偶铠甲 The Armour Of Sorrow
煞面迷影 Lost Memories
凌晨两点半2 Mid Night Two/At Two Thirty - SEEN
青木劫 Green Wood Robbery
看不见的他们 Never Leave - TRAILER
 画魔人 The Revenge - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
替身纸人 Paper Man - TRAILER - SEEN
古庙迷杀 Fighting In The Temple - TRAILER
消失的收藏家 Disappearing Collector - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
诡摇铃 Strange Bell Tolls - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
山村谜踪 Lost In The Night
山村旅店 Mountain Village Inn / The Haunting 3 
回魂之夜 A Night of Soul Turning
入棺 Into The Coffin
冥绝村 Ming Jue Village


镜世界 Mirror World / aka Mirror Fairy - SEEN
密案1922 Case 1922
错乱空间 Chaotic Space
钟馗伏妖 Zhong Kui Subdues Demons
致命记忆之花开双生 Reawaken
迷途重生 Lost and Reborn 
迷失1231 Curling Happiness


玄夜狐影 The Fox Demon Love
笔仙怪谈 Bunshinsaba: Hoichi The Earless - SEEN RECOMMENDED
错爱迷踪 Endless Love
恐怖游泳圈 Horror Swim Ring (cancelled?)
张震讲故事之洗脸女生的传说 A Tale of Two Girls
深宅迷案 Mystery Case of Deep House
越界 Synesthete - SEEN (Ghost Bride)
天牢地网 Lawman's Wit
深潜日 Incycle
孤山魅影 The Phantom In Lost Mountain
再见不归路 Goodbye, No Return


网络凶铃The Perilous Internet Ring (She Died on QQ) - SEEN - REVIEW 2
北平会馆 Beijing Guild Hall - SEEN
82号古宅 Number 82 Haunted House
笔仙大战贞子3结盟 Bunshinsaba VS Sadako 3 (renamed as Bunshinsaba Hoichi The Earless, check 2021)
心魔 The Devil Inside
看不见的枕边人 Invisible Bedmate
张震讲故事之三更夜 Zhang Zhen Tells a Story/Zhang Zhen's Three Night Watches
移动心迷宫 Moving Heart Maze 
封门笔仙 Sealing the (Door) Pen Fairy


古窑迷踪 Lost in the Cave Dwelling
Human Bone Curse - SEEN
九克拉战栗 Diamond Anxiety - SEEN
噬魂剑 Ghost Sword
午夜怪谈 Neighbour - SEEN
诡宅 The Ghost House
古井凶灵 The Ghost In Well
少女宿舍 Girl Dorm - SEEN
道具师 Property Master
童童的风铃密室 Bell Chamber
看不见的小孩 Haunted Road 3: Untold Body - SEEN
碟仙 Mortal Ouija - SEEN RECOMMENDED
夜伴歌声 Midnight Melody - SEEN


House Number 7
原来如此 Love Is The Sunshine
午夜废墟  Midnight Ruins - SEEN
阴阳眼之瞳灵公馆 Can't See Me Love You - SEEN
姽婳 Master of Oil Painting
午夜幽灵 Midnight Ghost
恐怖快递 The Express / Terror Express
午夜整容室 Painted Skin: The Double Mask - SEEN
解剖室灵异事件之男生宿舍 Inside The Boys - SEEN
惊慌失色之诡寓 Panic: Ghost Apartment - SEEN
细思极恐 Think Carefully
黑暗深处之惊魂夜 Nightmare of Darkness 
台仙魔咒 Tai Xian - SEEN
开学悸 Disturbed Souls On Campus
毛骨悚然之红衣男孩 Damnation
恐怖浴室 Horror Bathroom - SEEN
锁 Binding Destiny
烛仙 Candle Fairy
七夜追魂 The Missing
贞子归来 (Return of Ghost Child)
凌晨两点半 Midnight / At Two Thirty - SEEN
壹号别墅 No 1 Villa - SEEN
午夜十二点 Midnight XII
玲珑井 Linglong Wells - SEEN
勾魂笔仙 Esctasy Pen Fairy
真相2018 Dangerous Party
怨灵玩偶 Wraith Dolls
通灵编剧 Psychic Screenwriter
扣扣事件之古宅魅影 The QQ Incident: Phantom of the Ancient House


惊魂绣花鞋 Frightening Embroidery Shoes - SEEN
血伞凶灵 An Umbrella Conspiracy
恐怖理发店 Ghost In Barbers
怨灵宿舍之白纸女生 Haunted Dormitory: White Paper Girl - SEEN
怨灵宿舍之人偶老师 Haunted Dormitory: Marionette Teacher - SEEN
碟仙之毕业照  Haunted Graduation Photo - SEEN
恐怖毕业照2 Haunted Graduation Photo 2 - SEEN
撞邪31号 Encounter Evil
诡眼 Spy Eyes
通灵姐妹 Haunted Sisters - SEEN
七月半3:灵触第七感 Spirit Touch Seventh Sense  - SEEN
诡井 Deep Well
墨玉太极 Jade of Tai Chi
原罪的羔羊 Doom of Humanity
画室惊魂 The Frighten Studio - SEEN
惊门 The Door - SEEN
诡域新娘 Ghost Bride
谜域之噬魂岭 Mystery Zone Soul Eating Hill
午夜惊魂路 The Road Back
诡异酒楼 Strange Restaurant
守灵 Wake / Funeral Vigil
荒野加油站 (Rural) Gas Station
请勿靠近 Please Keep Away
惊悚小说 Inside: A Chinese Horror Story
碟仙前传 Disc Fairy
京城81号2 The House That Never Dies 2 - SEEN RECOMMENDED
夜闯寡妇村 Intrude The Widow Village at Midnight
贞子大战碟仙 Sadako vs Dixian - SEEN
胆小别看 (Be Timid Don't Look)
张震讲故事之鬼迷心窍 Chang Chen Ghost Stories / Be Possessed By Ghosts - SEEN
怨灵2 Haunted Road 2 - SEEN
恐怖电影院2 The Haunted Cinema 2 - SEEN
笔仙大战贞子2 Bunshinsaba vs Sadako 2 - SEEN - KILL COUNT RECOMMENDED
笔仙之生死劫2 Life and Death of Pen Fairy - SEEN
魔方笔仙 Rubik's Cube Pen Fairy
碟仙诡谭2 Death Ouija 2
笔仙咒怨 The Curse of Bixian / Bixian VS Kayako / Pen Fairy Curse / Bunshinsaba (false) / Bunshinsaba VS Kayako - SEEN
网灵 / 网灵惊魂 Net Spirit Horror
恶魔指路 The Devil Shows The Way
致命皮卡 Deadly Pickups
画壁之消失的校花 The Disappearing Schoolgirl
午夜加油站 Midnight Gas Station
红衣诡村之幻·谜 The Enigmatic Red-Dressed Village: Illusion and Mystery


中邪 The Possessed / Exorcism - SEEN RECOMMENDED
魔宫魅影 Phantom of the Theatre - SEEN
权力游戏之死亡空间 Dead Space - SEEN - KILL COUNT RECOMMENDED
失心者 Lost Minds
诡咒 Curse Of The Demon
少女龙婆 The Girl Shaman
夜半哭声 Who Is Crying at Midnight
诡梦凶铃 A Dream Ring
七月半2:前世今生 Mid July Days 2 - SEEN
玩命剧组 Playgroup Host (not official title)
惊魂七夜 Seven Fright Nights - SEEN
心灵解码 Mind Decoding
幽灵医院 Ghost Hospital - SEEN
惊魂直播夜 One Night Live Show
笔仙之生死劫 Life and Death of Pen Fairy / The Appearing
学妹惊声之色色发抖 (Trembling Girl)
怨灵地下室 Soul House
恐怖笔记 Scary Notes
笔仙撞碟仙 When Pen Ghost Meets Plate Ghost - SEEN
诡订餐 (Order a Meal)
枕边有张脸2 Face on The Pillow 2 (Mysterious Face 2) - SEEN
生忌快乐 Happy Birth Death (Malaysia)
聊斋新编之画皮新娘 The Bride With Painted Skin - SEEN
筷仙 The Curse of Chopsticks - SEEN
致命怪谈 The Game
死亡游戏 Fright Night / Death Game
隔壁惊魂 Ghost Neighbour
骇故事之招魂 (The Spirit of Horror Story)
禁地之恐怖医院 (Terror Hospital in Forbidden Land)
张震讲故事之合租屋 Chang Chen Ghost Stories
妖医 Witch Doctor / Thailand's Love
午夜寻访录 Midnight Search
笔仙诡影 Bloody House
恶灵之门 Apparition
妄想症 Delusion / Paranoia - SEEN RECOMMENDED
魔都凶音 The Whisper
诡娃 The Weird Doll
骇故事之女舍惊魂 A Woman's Horror - SEEN
泰惊魂之古镜 The Ancient Mirror
笔仙大战贞子 Bunshinsaba VS Sadako - SEEN - FULL MOVIE RECOMMENDED
猫脸老太太 Mother's Revenge - SEEN RECOMMENDED
魔輪 The Precipice Game
新笔仙 New Pen Fairy
荒村凶间 Horrible Masion (Mansion) in Wild Village - SEEN
诡楼之除夕夜 Chinese New Year's Eve
悬棺迷尸 Hanging Coffins
伏魔探案之通灵撸Sir The Devil Loser
东北灵异录2无法无天 Northeast Paranormal Chronicles 2: Lawless
人皮面具 Human Skin Mask
泰惊魂之无骨按摩师 Thai Horror: The Boneless Masseuse
婴灵 Infant Spirit


阴婚之鬼压床 The Marriage of the Grave
白云桥 Bridge In Clouds
灵臆事件 Chinese Horror Story
索命暹罗之按摩师 Massagist
荒村怨灵 Strange Battle - SEEN
恐怖游泳馆 Whose In The Pool - SEEN
恐怖照相机 Music and Dream
床下有人3 Under The Bed 3 - SEEN
催命符之劫后重生 Warrant The Reborn
别开门 Don't Open The Door
雨夜惊魂 The Stormy Night
枕边诡影 Bedside Cry
惊魂电影院 Admission by Guts - SEEN
亲,别怕 Dear, Don't Be Afraid
笔仙归来 The Pen (Fairy) Is Back
七月半之恐怖宿舍 Mid-July Days
笔仙魔咒 Campus Mystery
通灵之六世古宅 The Strange House / Psychic - SEEN RECOMMENDED
半夜叫你别回头 Midnight Whisper - SEEN
诡劫 Doomed Disaster
午夜讲诡故事 A Teller With his Mystery Stories
双生灵 Twin Spirit
魔镜 The Mirror 3D
人皮拼图 The Puzzle of Human Skin
诡打墙 Circle
异种 Monsters
午夜巴士 Midnight Bus
闺蜜心窍 Ghost Leader (2020) - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
食人岛 Ghost / Lost Souls Island - SEEN
诡娃娃 The Doll - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
女神凶咒 Curse of the Goddess / Goddess Curse
怨灵死咒 Ghost Dancer
学长有诡 Practical Joker
鬼熄灯 Ghost / Ghost Lights Out
九层魔塔 Ninth Floor Tower
笔仙诡计 Pen Fairy's Tricks
僵尸归来 Zombies Return
整容液事件1 Cosmetic Surgery Liquid Incident 1
死亡游戏之逆转人生 Death Game: Reversal of Life
鬼魅灯 Ghost Lights
伏魔道长 Exorcist Daoist Priest
天师伏魔之觉醒 The Taoist Exorcist: Awakening


怨灵人偶 Bloody Doll - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
京城81号 The House That Never Dies - SEEN
灵瞳 Eyes of Ghosts
疯花血月 (Blood Month)
黑月 She and She
古曼 Golden Doll - SEEN
笔仙惊魂3 Death Is Here 3
怨灵 Haunted Road - SEEN RECOMMENDED
夜半梳头 Midnight Hair - SEEN
恐怖电影院 The Haunted Cinema - SEEN
碟仙诡谭 Death Ouija 
午夜43路 Twilight Online (Hong Kong film, China version is 12 mins shorter)
整形师·脸 Plastic Surgeon: Hunted Face
三更车库 Midnight Garage
封门村 Closed Doors Village
怖偶 Enchanted Doll
虐面人之死灵面膜 Face Hunter
红髅 The Buried Secrets / Red Mansion / Haunted Hall
床下有人2 Under The Bed 2 - SEEN
孤岛 Lonely Island
诡替身 Double Exposure
诡八楼 Horror Floor / The Eighth House - SEEN RECOMMENDED
京城81号 The House The Never Dies - SEEN
笔仙3 Bunshinsaba 3 - SEEN RECOMMENDED
女生宿舍 Inside The Girls - SEEN RECOMMENDED
花咒 Flower's Curse
鬼局 Ghost Bureau
鬼局之猛鬼大厦 Ghost Bureau: The Haunted Building
鬼局之荒村老僵 Ghost Bureau: The Old Zombies in the Wild Village
鬼局之放开那僵尸 Release That Zombie


深宫怨灵 Palace of the Damned / Palace Phantoms / Hell's Haunted Palace / Ghost of the Imperial Palace / The Living Dead / The Undead / The Haunted
少女灵异日记 Black Mirror
枕边有张脸 Mysterious Face
冷瞳 Cold Pupil
诡魇 Nightmare
诡拼车 Carpooling Shock
校花诡异事件 The Supernatural Events on Campus - SEEN
古镇凶灵之巫咒缠身 Dead Sign
禁忌游戏之迷藏 The Game of Hide and Seek
楼 The Haunted House / The House
午夜火车 Midnight Train - SEEN
蝙蝠别墅 Murcielago
诡婴吉咪 Baby Blues
电梯惊魂 18 Floors Underground / Lift to Hell - SEEN
笔仙Ⅱ Bunshinsaba 2 - SEEN RECOMMENDED
步步追魂 (Step by Step to the Soul)
女蛹 The Chrysalis - SEEN RECOMMENDED


半夜不要照镜子 Who In the Mirror - SEEN - KILL COUNT
孤岛惊魂2 Mysterious Island 2
午夜微博 Midnight Microblog
恐怖旅馆 Love Motel - SEEN RECOMMENDED
地下室惊魂 The Basement
凶间雪山 The Demon In The Mountain
笔仙惊魂 Death Is Here
夜店诡谈 Any Other Side - SEEN
绣花鞋 Blood Stained Shoes
笔仙 Bunshinsaba - SEEN RECOMMENDED
绝录求生 Run
青魇 Nightmare
魅妆 The Mask Of Love
无间罪:僵尸重生 Zombies Reborn - SEEN


床下有人 Who Under The Bed / What's Under the Bed / Who is Undercover - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
孤岛惊魂 Mysterious Island - SEEN
午夜凶梦 Nightmare
B区32号 No 32 B District
镜中迷魂 (Ecstasy In The Mirror)
夜惊魂 The Frightening Night
咒怨新娘 Curse the Bride


午夜心跳 Midnight Beating
等着你回来 The Haunting Lover
北纬31°录像带 Video Cassette of 31 Degrees North Latitude / Latitude 31°N: The Videotape - FULL MOVIE


(2009) 午夜出租车 Midnight Taxi
(2008) 荒村客栈 The Deserted Inn
(2007) 心中有鬼 The Matrimony - SEEN
(2006) 陶器人形 Clay Fear - SEEN
(2005) 诅咒 The Curse of Lola
(2004) 古宅魅影 Fearful 24 Hours (CN/HK)
(2002) 凶宅幽靈 Ghosts
(1994) 情人的血特别红 Naked Bath / Legacy with Smell of Blood / Lover’s Blood
(1992) 毒吻 Kiss Of Poison
(1989) 黑楼孤魂 The Lonely Spirit In An Old Building / Haunting Soul from the Dark Building - SEEN RECOMMENDED
恐怖夜 The Horror Night

This page was first published on April 22, 2022. This page is updated frequently.

Friday, 4 August 2023

REVIEW: The Meg 2: The Trench (2023)

 DISCLAIMER: This review contains affiliate links. Clicking on any of the images below will take you to either Play-Asia, J-List or 365 Games for your consideration.

Who doesn’t like a shark movie, huh?


We go back to Mana One, where Jonas is now an eco-terrorist and the custodian of Meiying, who is also joined by Jiuming, who is Meiying’s uncle and is the inventor of a type of exo-suit that will allow them to explore the trench under the thermal cloud, the home of the Meg.

As expected, they dive down past the thermal cloud, but Jiuming’s pet Meg Haiqi has gotten free, and also joins them on their journey. While in the Trench, they notice there is a base station there, and there are some nefarious looking characters who are mining for rare earth minerals.

A scuffle ensues, resulting in an explosion that causes a hole to be teared in the thermal cloud, allowing multiple Megs and other creatures to breach the surface

It’s now a race against time to stop the megs and other creatures before they cause chaos on Fun Island.


I learnt a value lesson again – never anticipate a movie, because it will always disappoint you.

I’m going to try a compliment sandwich review, where ill talk about something good, then the bad stuff and try and end with something good again.

First up, it’s kinda of a fun movie and the visual effects are pretty damn good. Don’t let anyone tell you any different, and with the exception of a few weird things like the mega-octopus, everything looks pretty damn good.

But, I signed up to watch a monster film about sharks, not a film about cartoon character bad guys who are mining the deep ocean for rare earth minerals to sell for billions of dollars. And I didn’t sign up for an action film either. The movie starts with a stupid scene on a ship with all this ridiculous fighting that seems out of character for Jonas, and then ends up with a shoot out that looks even more out of place for the characters. It’s like Statham has looked at his role in Wrath of Man and Wu Jing looked at his role as Wolf Warrior and they’ve brought it into this movie, forgetting that the audience is here for the damn sharks.

This feels very much like a Chinese monster movie. And while they are fun, they’re always heavy handed with their social messages, and it weird to see a movie like this – and I acknowledge it’s a co-production – with these environmental messages. That’s the Chinese government’s fingerprints all over this movie, and it’s clear that the producers were cool to allow it to happen.

What’s worse is that there is a perfectly good subplot here that this movie should have been about – and that is Meg mating scene. Firstly, who ever built the tank to hold the captive Haiqi Meg in should be fired. Who builds a waste hatch in a shark enclosure the same size, or bigger than the damn shark its holding? Of course, it was going to break out. Then, who writes a sub plot about potential shark mating then decides the movie should have a series of bad guys and lots of action, completely forgetting about the sharks. And the sharks go missing for huge chunks of this films.

The first Meg was fun because it was about Man vs Shark – but Meg 2 is about man vs evil man who likes to mine, oh and then there are some sharks. And a damn octopus. Where did the octopus come from?

In order to complete the compliment sandwich, I would like to mention that I appreciated the little call back to the first movie with Pippin the small dog and the bride who panics over him. For some reason, she is now husbandless. Also, why does this movie end in a similar location to the first movie. First movie had the tourist location of Sanya Island, and this one ends on Fun Island.

What are my overall thoughts?

So, with a heavy heart, I struggle to go beyond 2 stars. And I really wanted to give it more and not be one of those negative Nancy YouTube reviews, but the movie is what it is. It’s a Chinese action movie masquerading as a shark film, completely by accident, starring the hottest actor in China with thankfully complimented with pretty damn good visual effects.

What a shame, because I wanted a shark movie. I wanted The Meg but more.

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J-LIST: For Japanese pop culture items, including games, movies and adult products. Beware of NSFW content.

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Play-Asia: For the latest games, movies, figures, books, lifestyle products and other cool stuff direct from Asia! Great prices and low shipping.

Genre Monster Movie Horror
Director Ben Wheatley
Starring Jason Statham, Wu Jing, Sophia Cai
Original Title 巨齿鲨2:深渊
Alterative Title The Meg 2: The Trench
Country of Origin China and USA
Release Date August 4 2023 (August 3 in Australia!)