This list includes links to:
- Douban Movie listing (all movies)
- English Subtitled Trailer (where available)
- My review of the movie (where available).
- Links to Full Movies have English Subtitles (where available).
- Kill Count videos (where available)
- Recommended titles have a red tag next to them (perfect for people wanting to explore Chinese horror and don't know what titles to start with)
京城81号3 The House That Never Dies 3
碟仙:破茧 Mortal Ouija 2
红嫁衣 Red Wedding Dress - TRAILER
深空移魂 Soul Voyager (sci-fi?) - TRAILER
碟仙玩偶 Tracking In Blood - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2 - TRAILER 3 - TRAILER 4
木偶惊魂 Puppet Horror
午夜怨灵 Midnight Ghost - TRAILER
NEW 午夜游戏 Midnight Game - TRAILER
祭屋 Matsuri House
夜半凶宅 Nightmare (Nighttime) Haunted House - TRAILER
午夜6号房 Room 6 At Midnight - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2 - SEEN
午夜怪谈 Midnight Radio - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
古堡守灵人 Search for Vengeance / The Vengeance Story - TRAILER
密室逃脱 Let Me Out - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2 - TRAILER 3
消失的木偶 A Vanished Puppet - TRAILER
加班惊魂 Overtime Scare - TRAILER
出不去的房间 Two Girls - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
替身纸人2 Paper Man 2 - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
惊心妒怨 Jealousy
陌路惊魂 Dangerous Road / Thrilling Ride
鸳鸯楼·夺舍 Mandarin Duck House / Yin Yang Mansion - SEEN - TRAILER 1
人偶新娘 Doll Bride - SEEN
午夜场 Midnight
夜雨秋灯闻诡事 Night Rain and Autumn Light
古宅谜案 The Quadrangle Enigma - TRAILER
噬魂岛 Dawn Break - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
车库 Garage
落花洞新娘 Bride and the Beast
双面新娘 Bride With A Double Face
直播惊魂夜 Live Streaming Nightmare - TRAILER
午夜迷途 Lost In Midnight (2017)
怨偶铠甲 The Armour Of Sorrow
煞面迷影 Lost Memories
凌晨两点半2 Mid Night Two/At Two Thirty - SEEN
青木劫 Green Wood Robbery
看不见的他们 Never Leave - TRAILER
画魔人 The Revenge - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
替身纸人 Paper Man - TRAILER - SEEN
古庙迷杀 Fighting In The Temple - TRAILER
消失的收藏家 Disappearing Collector - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
诡摇铃 Strange Bell Tolls - TRAILER 1 - TRAILER 2
山村谜踪 Lost In The Night
山村旅店 Mountain Village Inn / The Haunting 3
回魂之夜 A Night of Soul Turning
入棺 Into The Coffin
冥绝村 Ming Jue Village
镜世界 Mirror World / aka Mirror Fairy - SEEN
密案1922 Case 1922
错乱空间 Chaotic Space
钟馗伏妖 Zhong Kui Subdues Demons
致命记忆之花开双生 Reawaken
迷途重生 Lost and Reborn
迷失1231 Curling Happiness
玄夜狐影 The Fox Demon Love
笔仙怪谈 Bunshinsaba: Hoichi The Earless - SEEN RECOMMENDED
错爱迷踪 Endless Love
恐怖游泳圈 Horror Swim Ring (cancelled?)
张震讲故事之洗脸女生的传说 A Tale of Two Girls
深宅迷案 Mystery Case of Deep House
越界 Synesthete - SEEN (Ghost Bride)
天牢地网 Lawman's Wit
深潜日 Incycle
孤山魅影 The Phantom In Lost Mountain
再见不归路 Goodbye, No Return
网络凶铃The Perilous Internet Ring (She Died on QQ) - SEEN - REVIEW 2
北平会馆 Beijing Guild Hall - SEEN
82号古宅 Number 82 Haunted House
笔仙大战贞子3结盟 Bunshinsaba VS Sadako 3 (renamed as Bunshinsaba Hoichi The Earless, check 2021)
心魔 The Devil Inside
看不见的枕边人 Invisible Bedmate
张震讲故事之三更夜 Zhang Zhen Tells a Story/Zhang Zhen's Three Night Watches
移动心迷宫 Moving Heart Maze
封门笔仙 Sealing the (Door) Pen Fairy
古窑迷踪 Lost in the Cave Dwelling
Human Bone Curse - SEEN
九克拉战栗 Diamond Anxiety - SEEN
噬魂剑 Ghost Sword
午夜怪谈 Neighbour - SEEN
诡宅 The Ghost House
古井凶灵 The Ghost In Well
少女宿舍 Girl Dorm - SEEN
道具师 Property Master
童童的风铃密室 Bell Chamber
看不见的小孩 Haunted Road 3: Untold Body - SEEN
碟仙 Mortal Ouija - SEEN RECOMMENDED
夜伴歌声 Midnight Melody - SEEN
House Number 7
原来如此 Love Is The Sunshine
午夜废墟 Midnight Ruins - SEEN
阴阳眼之瞳灵公馆 Can't See Me Love You - SEEN
姽婳 Master of Oil Painting
午夜幽灵 Midnight Ghost
恐怖快递 The Express / Terror Express
午夜整容室 Painted Skin: The Double Mask - SEEN
解剖室灵异事件之男生宿舍 Inside The Boys - SEEN
惊慌失色之诡寓 Panic: Ghost Apartment - SEEN
细思极恐 Think Carefully
黑暗深处之惊魂夜 Nightmare of Darkness
台仙魔咒 Tai Xian - SEEN
开学悸 Disturbed Souls On Campus
毛骨悚然之红衣男孩 Damnation
恐怖浴室 Horror Bathroom - SEEN
锁 Binding Destiny
烛仙 Candle Fairy
七夜追魂 The Missing
贞子归来 (Return of Ghost Child)
凌晨两点半 Midnight / At Two Thirty - SEEN
壹号别墅 No 1 Villa - SEEN
午夜十二点 Midnight XII
玲珑井 Linglong Wells - SEEN
勾魂笔仙 Esctasy Pen Fairy
真相2018 Dangerous Party
怨灵玩偶 Wraith Dolls
通灵编剧 Psychic Screenwriter
扣扣事件之古宅魅影 The QQ Incident: Phantom of the Ancient House
惊魂绣花鞋 Frightening Embroidery Shoes - SEEN
血伞凶灵 An Umbrella Conspiracy
恐怖理发店 Ghost In Barbers - SEEN
怨灵宿舍之白纸女生 Haunted Dormitory: White Paper Girl - SEEN
怨灵宿舍之人偶老师 Haunted Dormitory: Marionette Teacher - SEEN
碟仙之毕业照 Haunted Graduation Photo - SEEN
恐怖毕业照2 Haunted Graduation Photo 2 - SEEN
撞邪31号 Encounter Evil
诡眼 Spy Eyes
通灵姐妹 Haunted Sisters - SEEN
七月半3:灵触第七感 Spirit Touch Seventh Sense - SEEN
诡井 Deep Well
墨玉太极 Jade of Tai Chi
原罪的羔羊 Doom of Humanity
画室惊魂 The Frighten Studio - SEEN
惊门 The Door - SEEN
诡域新娘 Ghost Bride
谜域之噬魂岭 Mystery Zone Soul Eating Hill
午夜惊魂路 The Road Back
诡异酒楼 Strange Restaurant
守灵 Wake / Funeral Vigil
荒野加油站 (Rural) Gas Station
请勿靠近 Please Keep Away
惊悚小说 Inside: A Chinese Horror Story
碟仙前传 Disc Fairy
京城81号2 The House That Never Dies 2 - SEEN RECOMMENDED
夜闯寡妇村 Intrude The Widow Village at Midnight
贞子大战碟仙 Sadako vs Dixian - SEEN
胆小别看 (Be Timid Don't Look)
张震讲故事之鬼迷心窍 Chang Chen Ghost Stories / Be Possessed By Ghosts - SEEN
怨灵2 Haunted Road 2 - SEEN
恐怖电影院2 The Haunted Cinema 2 - SEEN
笔仙大战贞子2 Bunshinsaba vs Sadako 2 - SEEN - KILL COUNT RECOMMENDED
笔仙之生死劫2 Life and Death of Pen Fairy - SEEN
魔方笔仙 Rubik's Cube Pen Fairy
碟仙诡谭2 Death Ouija 2
笔仙咒怨 The Curse of Bixian / Bixian VS Kayako / Pen Fairy Curse / Bunshinsaba (false) / Bunshinsaba VS Kayako - SEEN
网灵 / 网灵惊魂 Net Spirit Horror
恶魔指路 The Devil Shows The Way
致命皮卡 Deadly Pickups
画壁之消失的校花 The Disappearing Schoolgirl
午夜加油站 Midnight Gas Station
红衣诡村之幻·谜 The Enigmatic Red-Dressed Village: Illusion and Mystery
中邪 The Possessed / Exorcism - SEEN RECOMMENDED
魔宫魅影 Phantom of the Theatre - SEEN
权力游戏之死亡空间 Dead Space - SEEN - KILL COUNT RECOMMENDED
失心者 Lost Minds
诡咒 Curse Of The Demon
少女龙婆 The Girl Shaman
夜半哭声 Who Is Crying at Midnight
诡梦凶铃 A Dream Ring
七月半2:前世今生 Mid July Days 2 - SEEN
玩命剧组 Playgroup Host (not official title)
惊魂七夜 Seven Fright Nights - SEEN
心灵解码 Mind Decoding
幽灵医院 Ghost Hospital - SEEN
惊魂直播夜 One Night Live Show
笔仙之生死劫 Life and Death of Pen Fairy / The Appearing
学妹惊声之色色发抖 (Trembling Girl)
怨灵地下室 Soul House
恐怖笔记 Scary Notes
笔仙撞碟仙 When Pen Ghost Meets Plate Ghost - SEEN
诡订餐 (Order a Meal)
枕边有张脸2 Face on The Pillow 2 (Mysterious Face 2) - SEEN
生忌快乐 Happy Birth Death (Malaysia)
聊斋新编之画皮新娘 The Bride With Painted Skin - SEEN
筷仙 The Curse of Chopsticks - SEEN
致命怪谈 The Game
死亡游戏 Fright Night / Death Game
隔壁惊魂 Ghost Neighbour
骇故事之招魂 (The Spirit of Horror Story)
禁地之恐怖医院 (Terror Hospital in Forbidden Land)
张震讲故事之合租屋 Chang Chen Ghost Stories
妖医 Witch Doctor / Thailand's Love
午夜寻访录 Midnight Search
笔仙诡影 Bloody House
恶灵之门 Apparition
妄想症 Delusion / Paranoia - SEEN RECOMMENDED
魔都凶音 The Whisper
诡娃 The Weird Doll
骇故事之女舍惊魂 A Woman's Horror - SEEN
泰惊魂之古镜 The Ancient Mirror
笔仙大战贞子 Bunshinsaba VS Sadako - SEEN - FULL MOVIE RECOMMENDED
猫脸老太太 Mother's Revenge - SEEN RECOMMENDED
魔輪 The Precipice Game
新笔仙 New Pen Fairy
荒村凶间 Horrible Masion (Mansion) in Wild Village - SEEN
诡楼之除夕夜 Chinese New Year's Eve
悬棺迷尸 Hanging Coffins
伏魔探案之通灵撸Sir The Devil Loser
东北灵异录2无法无天 Northeast Paranormal Chronicles 2: Lawless
人皮面具 Human Skin Mask
泰惊魂之无骨按摩师 Thai Horror: The Boneless Masseuse
婴灵 Infant Spirit
阴婚之鬼压床 The Marriage of the Grave
白云桥 Bridge In Clouds
灵臆事件 Chinese Horror Story
索命暹罗之按摩师 Massagist
荒村怨灵 Strange Battle - SEEN
恐怖游泳馆 Whose In The Pool - SEEN
恐怖照相机 Music and Dream
床下有人3 Under The Bed 3 - SEEN
催命符之劫后重生 Warrant The Reborn
别开门 Don't Open The Door
雨夜惊魂 The Stormy Night
枕边诡影 Bedside Cry
惊魂电影院 Admission by Guts - SEEN
亲,别怕 Dear, Don't Be Afraid
笔仙归来 The Pen (Fairy) Is Back
七月半之恐怖宿舍 Mid-July Days
笔仙魔咒 Campus Mystery
通灵之六世古宅 The Strange House / Psychic - SEEN RECOMMENDED
半夜叫你别回头 Midnight Whisper - SEEN
诡劫 Doomed Disaster
午夜讲诡故事 A Teller With his Mystery Stories
双生灵 Twin Spirit
魔镜 The Mirror 3D
人皮拼图 The Puzzle of Human Skin
诡打墙 Circle
异种 Monsters
午夜巴士 Midnight Bus
闺蜜心窍 Ghost Leader (2020) - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
食人岛 Ghost / Lost Souls Island - SEEN
诡娃娃 The Doll - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
女神凶咒 Curse of the Goddess / Goddess Curse
怨灵死咒 Ghost Dancer
学长有诡 Practical Joker
鬼熄灯 Ghost / Ghost Lights Out
九层魔塔 Ninth Floor Tower
笔仙诡计 Pen Fairy's Tricks
僵尸归来 Zombies Return
整容液事件1 Cosmetic Surgery Liquid Incident 1
死亡游戏之逆转人生 Death Game: Reversal of Life
鬼魅灯 Ghost Lights
伏魔道长 Exorcist Daoist Priest
天师伏魔之觉醒 The Taoist Exorcist: Awakening
怨灵人偶 Bloody Doll - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
京城81号 The House That Never Dies - SEEN
灵瞳 Eyes of Ghosts
疯花血月 (Blood Month)
黑月 She and She
古曼 Golden Doll - SEEN
笔仙惊魂3 Death Is Here 3
怨灵 Haunted Road - SEEN RECOMMENDED
夜半梳头 Midnight Hair - SEEN
恐怖电影院 The Haunted Cinema - SEEN
碟仙诡谭 Death Ouija
午夜43路 Twilight Online (Hong Kong film, China version is 12 mins shorter)
整形师·脸 Plastic Surgeon: Hunted Face
三更车库 Midnight Garage
封门村 Closed Doors Village
怖偶 Enchanted Doll
虐面人之死灵面膜 Face Hunter
红髅 The Buried Secrets / Red Mansion / Haunted Hall
床下有人2 Under The Bed 2 - SEEN
孤岛 Lonely Island
诡替身 Double Exposure
诡八楼 Horror Floor / The Eighth House - SEEN RECOMMENDED
京城81号 The House The Never Dies - SEEN
笔仙3 Bunshinsaba 3 - SEEN RECOMMENDED
女生宿舍 Inside The Girls - SEEN RECOMMENDED
花咒 Flower's Curse
鬼局 Ghost Bureau
鬼局之猛鬼大厦 Ghost Bureau: The Haunted Building
鬼局之荒村老僵 Ghost Bureau: The Old Zombies in the Wild Village
鬼局之放开那僵尸 Release That Zombie
深宫怨灵 Palace of the Damned / Palace Phantoms / Hell's Haunted Palace / Ghost of the Imperial Palace / The Living Dead / The Undead / The Haunted
少女灵异日记 Black Mirror
枕边有张脸 Mysterious Face
冷瞳 Cold Pupil
诡魇 Nightmare
诡拼车 Carpooling Shock
校花诡异事件 The Supernatural Events on Campus - SEEN
古镇凶灵之巫咒缠身 Dead Sign
禁忌游戏之迷藏 The Game of Hide and Seek
楼 The Haunted House / The House
午夜火车 Midnight Train - SEEN
蝙蝠别墅 Murcielago
诡婴吉咪 Baby Blues
电梯惊魂 18 Floors Underground / Lift to Hell - SEEN
笔仙Ⅱ Bunshinsaba 2 - SEEN RECOMMENDED
步步追魂 (Step by Step to the Soul)
女蛹 The Chrysalis - SEEN RECOMMENDED
半夜不要照镜子 Who In the Mirror - SEEN - KILL COUNT
孤岛惊魂2 Mysterious Island 2
午夜微博 Midnight Microblog
恐怖旅馆 Love Motel - SEEN RECOMMENDED
地下室惊魂 The Basement
凶间雪山 The Demon In The Mountain
笔仙惊魂 Death Is Here
夜店诡谈 Any Other Side - SEEN
绣花鞋 Blood Stained Shoes
笔仙 Bunshinsaba - SEEN RECOMMENDED
绝录求生 Run
青魇 Nightmare
魅妆 The Mask Of Love
无间罪:僵尸重生 Zombies Reborn - SEEN
床下有人 Who Under The Bed / What's Under the Bed / Who is Undercover - SEEN - FULL MOVIE
孤岛惊魂 Mysterious Island - SEEN
午夜凶梦 Nightmare
B区32号 No 32 B District
镜中迷魂 (Ecstasy In The Mirror)
夜惊魂 The Frightening Night
咒怨新娘 Curse the Bride
午夜心跳 Midnight Beating
等着你回来 The Haunting Lover
北纬31°录像带 Video Cassette of 31 Degrees North Latitude / Latitude 31°N: The Videotape - FULL MOVIE
(2009) 午夜出租车 Midnight Taxi
(2008) 荒村客栈 The Deserted Inn
(2007) 心中有鬼 The Matrimony - SEEN
(2006) 陶器人形 Clay Fear - SEEN
(2005) 诅咒 The Curse of Lola
(2004) 古宅魅影 Fearful 24 Hours (CN/HK)
(2002) 凶宅幽靈 Ghosts
(1994) 情人的血特别红 Naked Bath / Legacy with Smell of Blood / Lover’s Blood
(1992) 毒吻 Kiss Of Poison
(1989) 黑楼孤魂 The Lonely Spirit In An Old Building / Haunting Soul from the Dark Building - SEEN RECOMMENDED
(1988) 恐怖夜 The Horror Night
This page was first published on April 22, 2022. This page is updated frequently.