Saturday, 31 October 2020

Haunted Road - Stopping At The Killer Service Centre! | Chinese Horror Review #003

Welcome to my Chinese horror movies reviews - you'll get a review AND an explanation of the ending. Because these movies are so bad you'll need it! In this episode, it's the creepy AF Haunted Road AFF Link Douban Genre Horror Thriller Director Yijian Tong Starring Su-a Hong, Jo Jiang Original Title 怨灵

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Inside The Girls - Going DEEP Inside These Girls | Chinese Horror Review #002

Welcome to my Chinese horror movies reviews - you'll get a review AND an explanation of the ending. Because these movies are so bad you'll need it!

In this episode, it's the super sexy thriller Inside The Girls AFF Link Douban (check this for video streaming links) Genre Horror Thriller Director Ting Liang Starring Xin (Swan) Wen. Duo-na Zhao Original Title 女生宿舍

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Painted Skin: The Double Mask - Enjoy Some Killer Plastic Surgery | Chinese Horror Review #001

Welcome to my Chinese horror movies reviews - you'll get a review AND an explanation of the ending. Because these movies are so bad you'll need it!

In this episode, it's Painted Skin: The Double Mask AFF Link N/A Douban Genre Horror Director Zhipeng Cao Starring Jingjing Lai, Daniella Wang Original Title 午夜整容室