Saturday 18 July 2020

Chinese Horror Explained EP#009: Seven Fright Nights

Welcome to our series where we attempted to explain the stories behind Chinese horror films, one of the most heavily regulated movie genres in Mainland China.

In this episode, it's a real shocker of a film, starring a girl with the poppiest eyes you've ever seen - Seven Fright Nights AFF Link N/A Genre Horror (lol) Director Bin Yu Starring Meixing Chen, Shaui Zeng Original Title 惊魂七夜

Saturday 11 July 2020

Chinese Horror Explained EP#008: Midnight Melody

Welcome to our series where we attempted to explain the stories behind Chinese horror films, one of the most heavily regulated movie genres in Mainland China.

In this episode, another Shilei Lu and Filmoon classic - Midnight Melody AFF Link Genre Horror Director Shilei Lu Starring Li-er Mei, Zeyu LI, Hexi Cao, Yaqi Zhang Original Title 夜伴歌声